HIVIZ Pro Staff
Mike Wilgus / Sporting Clays Pro Staff
Mike is a very talented shooter from the state of Washington. Mike is well known in the shooting circuit. He has a long list of accomplishments such as,
- 2007 Zone 7 Championship Main Event Master Champion 180/200
- 2007 Idaho State Championship HOA Main Event
- 2007 Idaho State Championship HOA Five Stand
- 2007 Washington State Championship HOA Champion Main Event
- 2006 Washington State Championship HOA Main Event
- 2006 Oregon State Championship Five Stand HOA
- 2006 Montana State Championship HOA Main Event
- 2005 Zone 7 Championship FITASC Runner-UP
- 2004 100 Straight Shot 5/17/04 Registered
- 2004 99 Straight Shot 4/24/04 Registered
- 2002 US Winter Championships Runner Up
- 2002 US Winter Championships HOA 50 bird event
- 2002 NSCA National Championships, 14th place
- 2002 NSCA US Open, 15th place in main event