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Shooting Tip #27: Tactical Sight Picture & Stance by Mark Hotaling

Hunting Sight Picture and Stance: While hunting birds or shooting clays, the shooter will have an off-set stance with his shooting side foot set back behind him. The sight picture should be two-eyes-open, focusing on the target with the sight in his peripheral vision.

Tactical Sight Picture and Stance: A tactical stance is very different than a hunting stance. The tactical shotgunner should have both feet roughly shoulder width apart, toes pointed at the target. The shoulders are nearly squared up with the target and the shooting side foot is only a couple of inches back from the other foot. The sight picture should be that of shooting a rifle or pistol: front sight aligned with the rear sight and when the trigger is pressed, your eye is solely focused on the front sight. With the proper tactical sight alignment, sight picture and front sight focus, the tactical shotgun can deliver extreme accuracy. The addition of a HIVIZ sight makes target acquisition much faster and more accurate.