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Shooting Tip #28: The Draw From the Surrender Position by Tony Holmes

Standing in the Isosceles stance with your left foot slightly forward pointing towards your first target. Your hands and wrists should be at shoulder height but not above your head (not like in the movies where they’re reaching for the stars). The closer your hands are to your shoulders, the less travel they have to your pistol.

Position your holster between the appendix and full, strong side. Practice bringing your hands straight down from your shoulders to the holster, so that the grip of the pistol makes contact with your hand as it comes down. If it doesn’t, move your holster to make it happen. Your weak hand will follow the strong hand down. After retrieving your pistol straight up from the holster, the pistol will come up and your weak hand will meet it around your strong hand as it comes into eye level. Disengage the safety and begin to push the pistol straight out at your first target. Your eyes should be focused on the target and the sights will come to your eyes and the target. Prep the trigger and fire!

I’ve found that using electronic earmuffs helps in recognizing the sound of the beep quicker. Keeping your eyes on the target, focus on listening for the beep for your fastest reaction. It is not uncommon with practice to reach a .70 draw and first shot hit at 10 yards.