There are three commonly accepted techniques for achieving forward allowance, or “lead”, on a moving target. They are sustained (maintained) lead, pull-away, and swing (pull) through. Which one you choose as your primary method is a matter of personal choice. However, to be a truly skilled shooter, it’s a good idea to get comfortable with all three methods.
Some target presentations may be more effectively shot with a different technique than your primary style. The springing teal is a good example. Depending on the other target in a pair you may have to attempt the teal rising, at its apex, or dropping. A large percentage of shooters will employ swing-through on the way up, sustained lead at the apex, and pull-away for the dropping teal.
During your practice sessions, you should practice with the different techniques on problem presentations and see what works best for you.
Regardless of the lead method you choose, follow-through is one of the most critical elements of a successful shot.