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Will gun cleaning solvents harm the sights?

Although our new lite pipes are impervious to solvents we do not recommend cleaning the sight itself or the lite pipe with solvent. If you do get some solvent on the lite pipe there is nothing to worry about just go ahead and wipe it off. You can clean your lite pipe with a soft tissue or Q-tip and a dab of alcohol if needed.

Is there a dealer in my area?

We do have a dealer locator, at the top right side of the Web Page. If you can’t find a dealer in your area, feel free to give us a call at 800-589-4315 and let us help you locate a dealer near you.

Can you ship sights to another country?

We are able to ship to most countries. However there are some countries we can’t ship to, due to current exporting laws. Please contact HiViz for a complete list of countries and current shipping laws.

Do you have bead replacements for shotguns?

Yes we do, the part #’s you will need are BD1007-G for green and BD1008-R for red. This is a front bead replacement sight; it will simply screw down and replace your existing bead. It will work on either ribbed or plain barrel shotguns with a removable front bead.

Do you have plain barrel sights for shotguns?

Yes we do, the part # you will need is MPB. This sight will simply snap on and slide up to your existing bead. It will snap on a 12, 16 or 20 gauge shotgun. This sight will come with 4 different lite pipes 2 diameters of red and green so you can see what is going to work out best for you.

How do I know which sight to use for my shotgun?

The best thing to do is go to the homepage and either use the search feature or left click on any of the categories at the top of the home page. If you’re looking for a shotgun sight, click on Shotguns and so on. If you can’t find what you are looking for go ahead and give us a call at 800-589-4315, as there are some models of sights that can be modified to fit guns that may not be listed on the site.

Is there anyone there that is knowledgeable to answer specific application questions or problems?

Absolutely, the best thing do is call in and ask for a technician or go to the “Contact Us” area on the homepage and send us an email. We have a very knowledgeable staff here at HiViz who take pride in what they do.

What is the difference between overmolded and interchangeable pistol sights?

The interchangeable style sight allows the user to interchange lite pipe colors due to varying light conditions and or personal preference. This is a sight predominantly used by competitive shooters and the everyday shooter. The overmolded sight is a sight that does not allow changing of lite pipes. This sight has an optical grade resin injection molded through the metal base of the site and around the lite pipe. This sight is predominately use by Law Enforcement, Concealed carry and the everyday shooter.

How can I get replacement lite pipes?

A. You can order them on the web or by calling direct. This is not an item that dealers carry as we offer so many different lite pipe options. If you have any questions on diameters or colors feel free to give us a call, we will be more then happy to help you out.

What if I don’t see the sight I need for my particular gun model?

Simply give us a call at 800-589-4315 because we might have a sight that will fit with a little modification. Beyond that we track what you the customer wants. We are always coming out with new product and this product is developed by your input. So give us a call, let us know what you would like to see something might already be in the works.

What is the difference of the newly designed pistol sights over the old style?

We have changed quite a bit on the newly designed pistol sights. The first thing we did is put a square serrated sloped face to the sight. The slope and serrations we added will help eliminate glare. The squared off face will give you faster target acquisition as it lines up with the rear much faster. We also recessed the lite pipe to help eliminate what we call the halo effect this will give you a very sharp/crisp sight picture.