Does cross-eye dominance have you missing shots? Our patented Magni-Optics® Technology is just what you need to stay on target shot after shot. No other shotgun sight on the market combines a LitePipe with a unique magnifying chamber and lens to correct cross-eye dominance issues. This proprietary design improves the performance of cross-eye dominant shooters by encouraging both-eyes-open shooting.
The use of magnification ensures that the lighted sight picture is only visible when the shooter uses the correct sighting eye combined with the proper head and shooting position. Just as if you were looking through a rifle scope, only the shooting eye can see through the scope, only your shooting eye will see the LitePipe.
Cross-eye dominance is an issue that affects more than 40% of shooters, Magni-Optics allows cross eye dominant shooters to shoot with both eyes open using their non-dominant eye.

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